The following files are provided to support grant submissions. They describe BioWorkshop instruments and facilities.
- Equipment Description in NIH format: .pdf | .docx
- Facilities Description in NIH format: .pdf | .docx
The following specialized software is available on BioWorkshop workstations:
- CellSens: Olympus image analysis and deconvolution suite
- JPK DP: AFM data processing software
- Prime Express: QuantStudio real time PCR primer design
- Magellan: Tecan Spark plate reader data analysis
- Empower 3: Waters GPC chromatography analysis
- Chromeleon 7: UltiMate 3000 chromatography analysis
- OPUS 7.8 : FT-IR Spectroscopy data analysis
- BD FACSDiva: BD Flow Cytometry data analysis
- Biacore T200 Evaluation Software: Biacore SPR data analysis
The following free software is available for download using the following links:
- Amnis ImagingStream X-IDEAS Software
- Bruker OPUS Viewer
- Bruker Skyscan 1276 Software
- NanoBrook-Particle Solutions Software
- TA instruments-TRIOS and Advantage/UA Software
- ProteinSimple FluorChem E Gel Imaging System
- QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR
- Imaging-Fiji/ImageJ
- Flow cytometry software
- Cyflogic
- Flowing Software
Educational Resources:
- 101 Steps to Better Histology – a Practical Guide to Good Histology Practice
- FLIM and FCS Techniques Introduction
- PicoQuant FLIM
- PicoQuant FCS
- Antigen Density for Human and Murine Surface Markers
- Antibody and Fluorophore Finder
- BD Multicolor Flow Cyotmetry Resources
- BD Relative Fluorochrome Brightness